• HP Pharma is committed to ensure that all manufactured products meet the pre-set standards of quality, efficacy and safety. HP Pharma believes that this can be only guaranteed through holding a highly efficient quality management system based on current GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE and International Quality Assurance Standards.
• We believe that human resources are the most valuable resources we have, so investment within this resources through efficient training and providing the most suitable environment to perform their jobs is our major concern. Health and social care will provide for all our employees.
• The Quality Assurance has a great role in the development and maintenance of the company’s quality system. This is achieved by a combination of systematic sampling, testing, validating, monitoring and auditing of materials, facilities, systems and procedures which can influence the quality of our products.
• Authorized and approved standard operating procedures for all operations will be used. This includes , production , quality control , quality assurance , materials management , warehousing, distributing , safety controls , housekeeping , sanitation , and engineering .
Quality assurance has to ensure that these procedures are adhered and records are maintained
• Any deviation is investigated and documented, Corrective action is taken wherever necessary.
Periodic self-inspection and auditing are conducted to monitor the effective implementation of the current good manufacturing practice and quality system.
• Suppliers of key starting materials and analytical laboratory reagents are chosen according to high quality parameters and are assessed according to validated and standardized procedures. As all our suppliers must have GMP Certificate.
• Records generated via the implementation of the quality system are controlled and maintained according to authorized and approved procedure.
Management review for the quality system is carried out periodically.
• Each product is subjected to appropriate types of testing and control according to the specifications approved by the registration authorities and the redefined quality parameters. Records generated from the whole processes concerned with the production of the product are well revised and checked before the release of the product .Stability evaluation according to pre-defined protocol to meet ICH guidelines and market needs is an essential requirement for our products.